Forms, Procedures, Policies and Reports
This page lists all forms, policies and procedures associated with faculty governance and reports given or produced by the Senate. Curricular forms are located in the Curriculum Guide. Here is the link to University Policies.
Cover Sheet for Cheating or Plagiarism Charges
Use this cover sheet when filing a formal charge of cheating or plagiarism
Faculty Attempt Form for Cheating and Plagiarism
Use this form with students for which you have evidence of cheating or plagiarism. Students have three options when presented with this form. Once this is signed, send it to the Student Conduct Officer, Ben Ellis. If a student refuses to sign, you may proceed with a formal charge of cheating or plagiarism.
Common Motions at the Academic Senate
If you are a Senator, download this pdf for use in the Senate.
Step by Step Guide on Cheating and Plagiarism for SSU Faculty
This document explains the process for reporting cheating and plagiarism.
Writing an Appeal for the Board
Use this document to help you write your appeal.
Budget Summary Presentation February 2013
The Senate Budget Subcommittee presented this report to the Senate titled as "Getting Out of Our Own Way: SSU Responses to Long-Term Shifts in Funding."
Graduate Studies Recommendations for Graduate Programs at SSU
The report was requested by the Senate from GSS after hearing their survey results on graduate programs and was presented to the Senate on 9/26/19.
SSU Strategic Plan 2018
This report was given at the May 17, 2018 Senate meeting.
Stevenson Hall Remodel Update
This is the powerpoint presentation for the Stevenson Remodel update given on 9/26/19 to the Senate.
University Budget Report 8/30/18
Report from Laura Lupei to the Senate on August 30, 2018