Academic Planning, Assessment and Resources Committee (APARC)
The Academic Planning, Assessment, and Resources Committee (APARC) serves as the faculty’s primary planning, budget, and assessment committee for academic programs and related curricula. The Academic Planning, Assessment and Resources Committee shall establish subcommittees as necessary to carry out its charge.
Related links for APARC
Priority Recommendations - APARC is charged with providing these every year.
Budget Information - In response to recommendations made in Spring 2014 by the Senate Budget Subcommittee, the Academic Senate will now maintain a permanent SSU budget documents page on its website. The Senate Budget Subcommittee was subsumed into APARC during the Senate re-organization of 2014.
Academic Technology and Instructional Spaces Subcommittee (ATISS)
The Academic Technology and Instructional Spaces Subcommittee is the faculty’s primary vehicle for planning for and evaluating the use of instructional spaces and technologies. The committee is to:
- Assess the ongoing and planned needs of different academic and other constituencies on campus with regard to instructional technology and spaces. Consult with Facilities and Information Technology to evaluate the functioning of new or newly upgraded instructional technologies and spaces.
- Act as a central point of communication and coordination among faculty, Academic Affairs, Facilities, and Information Technology to respond to needs and academic planning issues with regard to instructional technologies and spaces.
- Identify and prioritize implementation of best-practices in pedagogy and educational technology. This includes a process for vetting requests for the addition or discontinuance of various standards and platforms. It also includes coordination with Academic Affairs, as appropriate, to establish appropriate training and faculty development programs directly related to the use of specific instructional technologies and spaces.
- Establish and maintain a system for prioritizing and implementing technological and related classroom upgrades.
- Provide faculty representation on the campus Accessible Technology Initiative Steering Committee (at least two members).
- Provide an annual report at the start of each Spring semester to APARC regarding the current state of teaching spaces and educational technology as well as recommendations for keeping up to date.
University Program Review Subcommittee (UPRS)
The University Program Review Subcommittee shall review all Program Reviews. It shall examine the Departmental Self Study document, the External Reviewer’s report, the School Curriculum Committee’s report and the Dean’s report, if separate. The Program Review Subcommittee shall meet with the Department faculty and, if necessary, the School Curriculum Committee or Dean for any clarification. The Program Review Subcommittee shall identify issues and prepare a list of actionable items for the Department, School Curriculum Committee, and Dean. The Provost shall review all reports and feedback and, in consultation with the Program Review Subcommittee and the Department and Dean, prepare a Memorandum of Understanding to address identified issues and develop action plans in accordance with any applicable accreditation standards and requirements. The Program Review Subcommittee shall provide an annual report to APARC that extrapolates general themes from its examination of all Program Reviews.