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Academic Senate


The purposes of this organization shall be (1) to exercise the rights and authority specifically delegated to the Faculty by the Board of Trustees as well as the Chancellor of the California State University, including the legislating of policy governing the awarding of grades and granting of degrees; (2) to serve as the primary consultative body in the University in formulating, evaluating and recommending to the president policies concerning (a) curriculum and instruction, (b) appointments, promotion, evaluation and granting of tenure to members of the faculty, and (c) academic administrative matters of the institution; and (3) to serve as the primary body through which members of the faculty may express opinions on matters affecting the welfare of the University.

Constitution, Article I, Section II.

The Senate has one subcommittee:

Senate Diversity Subcommittee (SDS)


The Senate Diversity Subcommittee serves to review diversity issues and make recommendations to the Academic Senate to foster inclusiveness and equity. This committee will serve in an advisory capacity to the Academic Senate and

  1. recommend policies or programs that will enrich diversity awareness within the campus community;
  2. in collaboration with other University diversity efforts, promote increased diversity of student, staff and faculty on our campus; and,
  3. in collaboration with the Educational Policies Committee, perform periodic review of diversity in the curriculum and make recommendations and accomplishments. The committee will provide the Academic Senate with an annual report of its activities.

Syllabus Review for Justice, Equity and Inclusion | Course Materials Cost Report | Faculty Evaluation Research & Recommendations