Minutes of Meetings
Minutes of Academic Senate meetings are available in the Library Archives* (see below).
All the Senate and Executive Committee agendas and minutes beginning in 2000 are now available in the University's Institutional Repository. Finding specific items from the agendas or minutes is relatively easy.
*During the transition to a new support team in Fall 2022, the process of updating these records was interrupted. The Library has indicated that the Academic Senate should wait to resume utilizing university digital archives while an update in systems is currently underway. In order to provide a temporary solution, the faculty governance open meeting agendas and minutes for the Academic Senate Meeting and Executive Committee are housed in the linked public repository. Should any other resource be needed from a previous academic year, prior to 22/23 (post-Fall 2000) should be locatable on the Library Archives and/or locatable by the Academic Senate Analyst (until the new Library archive resources is updated.
How to Get Minutes Prior to Fall 2000 or for other committees
To get the complete minutes prior to Fall 2000 in electronic format, please email the Academic Senate Office with the complete date of the Senate meeting minutes you desire and they will be returned to you via email, if possible. Earlier minutes may or may not be in an electronic format.
For minutes of other Faculty Governance committee meetings, please email the Academic Senate Office with the name of the committee, date of meeting and, if the minutes are available and approved, they will be emailed back.
Abstracts for the Senate meetings are also available from the Senate office. These can be helpful to find what items were discussed, approved, etc. at what meeting. Abstracts are available electronically from the Academic Senate Office via email.