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Student Affairs Committee (SAC)


The Student Affairs Committee shall have primary responsibility for the development and review of policy regarding student affairs at the university, including recruitment, academic advising, student rights and responsibilities, scholarships, relations with alumni, and the quality of student life. In addition, the Student Affairs Committee shall propose policies and programs that promote faculty-student interaction. The Student Affairs Committee shall establish subcommittees as necessary to carry out its charge.


Student Affairs Division Staff Resource Guide (Destination is under construction and will be updated and relinked soon)

Academic Advising Subcommittee (AAS)


1. Regularly review the policies, systems, and delivery of academic advising by faculty and professional advisors, highlighting strengths, identifying opportunities, and making recommendations to improve the overall effectiveness of faculty advising at SSU.

2. Advocate for effective academic advising to support student learning, development, and success, including advising that is inclusive, respectful, current, accurate, private, safe, convenient, and accessible.

3. Advocate for university-wide efforts to understand and address barriers to student success, retention, persistence, and on-time graduation; especially advising-related barriers that impact educational equity and that disproportionately affect low- to middle-income students from historically underserved and under-resourced communities, students of color, and first-generation college students.

4. Provide a forum for consultation and feedback on academic advising-related issues and initiatives among faculty and professional advisors, the various advising constituencies, and stakeholders.

Advising Best Practices 2005

University Scholarship Subcommittee (Scholarship) - a joint committee between the Senate and the Administration


To read, evaluate, and rank scholarship applications and recommend awards to the President; to develop and recommend to the Senate all policy and procedures for scholarship awards; and to present a detailed report to the Academic Senate at the beginning of the Fall Semester (the conclusion of current award cycle).

Dispute Resolution Board


The Dispute Resolution Board is charged with adjudicating Grade Appeals, Student Grievances and Cheating and Plagiarism cases. The Dispute Resolution Board may make recommendations to the Student Affairs Committee of the Senate for changes to existing policy or procedures or the creation of new policy or procedures pertinent to their charge. The Dispute Resolution Board will submit a summary report of its activities at the end of each academic year to the Chair of the Academic Senate, the President, the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs, the Chair of the Student Affairs committee and the President of the Associated Students. There is a special webpage for all policy, forms and advice regarding the Dispute Resolution.