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APARC Priority Recommendations

From the charge of APARC:

". . .develop budget priorities that emerge from planning processes and assessment of academic programs and present upcoming academic year budget priorities to the Senate in the late Spring."

AY 17 - 18 - Unanimously endorsed by the Academic Senate on 5/4/17

AY 18 - 19 - Unanimously endorsed by the Academic Senate on 5/3/18

AY 19 - 20 - Unanimously endorsed by the Academic Senate 5/16/19

AY 20 - 21 - Unanimously endorsed by the Academic Senate on 5/14/20

AY 21 - 22 - Unanimously endorsed by the Academic Senate 10/7/21

AY 22 - 23 - Unanimously endorsed by the Academic Senate 05/12/22