
E.g., 02/22/2025
E.g., 02/22/2025

If you are aware of resolutions approved by the Senate that are not listed here, please contact the Senate office. 

Resolution Title Date
Senate Processes regarding Academic Reorganization Proposals 12/12/2024
Support of the Establishment of a CSU Systemwide Staff Council 12/12/2024
Resolution of the Academic Senate on the Seawolf Bundle 12/12/2024
Resolution endorsing a “YES” vote on the Ratification Vote on Changes to the ASCSU Constitution 10/10/2024
Temporary Suspension of Student Conduct Conferences and Hearings Pending Revision to the Notice of Conference 09/26/2024
Resolution Seeking ASCSU Formal Opinion on the Interim Time, Place and Manner Policy 09/12/2024
Reinstatement of President Mike Lee in Light of Chancellor Overreach 05/16/2024
A RESOLUTION of the Sonoma State University’s Academic Senate to support our students who are peacefully protesting on campus 05/02/2024
Resolution supporting the ASCSU AS3666-24: “Opposition to Changing California State University General Education Breadth at This Time” 02/01/2024
Resolution Opposing the Loss of Individual Department Chairs 11/30/2023
Resolution Celebrating Victor Garlin 04/20/2023
CSU Executive Accountability and Responsibility 09/01/2022
Referendum of No Confidence in President Judy Sakaki 04/28/2022
United in Kindness 03/17/2022
Investigation into Chancellor Castro 02/17/2022
Efforts to Restrict Education about Racism and American History 09/09/2021
On the Matter of Jeffrey Reeder 05/20/2021
Support of AAPI Community 05/06/2021
Encroachment into Curricular Matters 03/18/2021
Opposition to Implementation of AB1460 10/22/2020
