Faculty Excellence in Service Award
This annual award recognizes and rewards excellence in service at Sonoma State University. Each year the award honors a Sonoma State University faculty member whohas made outstanding contributions to multiple levels of service to Sonoma State (e.g.,department, school, college, university, discipline, and/or community). This awardprovides a stipend of $2,500 unless the terms of the awardee’s contract prohibit this financial compensation.
Number of Awards and Funding
More than one award may be given, based on available funding. If more than one award is given, at least one award shall honor a non-tenured faculty member and at least one shall honor a tenured faculty member. The purpose of dividing the nominees into two groups is to encourage and promote excellence in service at all career stages.
Any member of the instructional, library, or student affairs faculty, may be nominated unless they have previously received this award at Sonoma State University.
To be eligible, the nominee must have served at SSU for at least six semesters during the previous five academic years, with one of those semesters being in the academic year in which the nomination occurs.
Nomination and Selection Process
Anyone in the SSU campus community may submit nominations. Self nomination is encouraged. A call for nominations will be made by Faculty Affairs in the spring semester. Nominations should be in the form of a letter to the FSAC. A list of those who have accepted nomination will be made public.
Nominated faculty will submit to the Academic Senate Office, the following dossier by the timeline determined each spring semester:
- A brief curriculum vitae of 5 pages or fewer, focusing on the impact of their service experience;
- A two-page narrative of service, describing the nature of the service and its impact;
- Up to five pages of supplemental material related to service, e.g., statements of service excellence from colleagues, administrators or outside entities such asbusiness groups, or research institutions. These materials may come from the nominee’s existing Reappointment, Tenure, and Promotion file.
The Excellence in Service Winner(s) may be invited to serve as a resource to those individuals seeking ways to grow their own service in conjunction with Faculty Affairs,the Faculty Retreat, and/or CTET workshops. Winners may also become a future SSU nominee for the CSU Wang Family Excellence Award for Service.
Selection Committee
The Faculty Standards and Affairs Committee serves as the selection committee.
Criteria for Evaluation of Nominees
The selection committee shall choose from the current pool of nominees based on their extraordinary dedication to the campus and surrounding communities and achievements that advance one or more of SSU’s core values:
- connectivity and community engagement
- diversity and social justice
- sustainability and environmental inquiry
- adaptability and responsiveness