Individual Resolutions

Resolution Title Date
Resolution Regarding Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act 04/02/2015
Resolution in Support of AS-3197-14 The Need for a Comprehensive California State University Policy On Academic Freedom 03/12/2015
Resolution Expressing Appreciation and Best Wishes to Vice Chair Terry Lease 12/04/2014
Resolution Regarding the Location of the 2014 CSU Academic Conference 09/25/2014
Resolution to Address the Negative Impact to the SSU Curriculum of Statewide Resource Reductions 05/08/2014
Resolution on the Matter of Margaret Purser 05/08/2014
Resolution in Honor of Professor Art Warmoth 1937-2014 04/24/2014
Resolution honoring Bruce Berkowitz for his service to Sonoma State University promoting diversity efforts, 1980-2013 01/23/2014
Resolution on a Gender and Sexuality Campus Coordinator 01/23/2014
Resolution of Appreciation for Andy Merrifield 12/12/2013
Resolution Expressing Condolences to the Family of Former Sonoma State University President David Benson 10/24/2013
Resolution Recommending the Appointment of a Faculty Trustee and the Addition of a Second Faculty Trustee to the CSU Board of Trustees 09/12/2013
Resolution In Support of War and Peace Lecture Series 05/29/2013
Resolution on the Continuing Service of Margaret Purser and Richard Senghas 05/29/2013
Resolution in Support of an SSU Statement on Civility and Tolerance 04/25/2013
Resolution Urging Amendments to California SB 520, Steinberg (D-Sacramento) Creating the “California Online Student Access Platform” 04/11/2013
Resolution to Guarantee Year-Round On-Campus Housing for Current and Former Foster Youth Attending SSU 02/21/2013
Resolution Reaffirming the Importance of Graduate Programs and Access to Those Programs 12/13/2012
Resolution of Appreciation and“Welcome Back!” for Laurel Holmstrom 11/29/2012
Resolution Commemorating the 30th Anniversary of the SSU Vietnam Veterans Memorial Grove 11/08/2012
