Whereas in this period of budget crisis it is especially important to attend to fair employment practices and foster collegial relationships among all faculty members, and
Whereas the current forty tenure-track searches, which are designated as searches to replace individual faculty, create new positions, or convert work now done by lecturers to responsibilities of tenure-track faculty, provide Sonoma State University with an opportunity to increase its percentage of tenure-track faculty while retaining currently employed lecturers, and
Whereas fairness in faculty hiring, including the hiring of lecturers into tenure-track positions, is the documented good practice in most departments and programs on this campus,
Be it resolved that the Senate urges hiring departments to seek to increase the social identity diversity of the faculty, especially racially and ethnically, and
Be it further resolved that the Senate urges hiring departments to make good faith efforts to minimize the lessening or loss of employment for currently employed lecturers as a result of these hires, and
Be it further resolved that the Senate urges Search Committees of these departments to actively encourage individual lecturers to apply for appropriate positions whose candidate pools are still open, and
Be it further resolved that the Senate urges that Search Committees of hiring departments, while conducting national searches for applicants who would strengthen their programs, also continue this university’s tradition of giving serious consideration to qualified candidates who are currently lecturers here.