Whereas historically established practice at Sonoma State University has been that the members of each search committee for the positions of chief academic officer and of school deans have chosen their own chair,
Whereas this long-established tradition was honored most recently by President Armiñana in the selection of Provost Bernard Goldstein, and before him Provost Donald Farish, as well as in the selection of numerous school deans,
Whereas this practice was established by Sonoma State University and implemented by Sonoma State presidents starting with its founding president, Ambrose Nichols,
Whereas President Ruben Armiñana has abandoned this tradition by appointing a chair of the recently constituted provost search committee without prior consultation with the search committee or the Academic Senate,
Resolved that the Academic Senate of Sonoma State University calls on President Armiñana to honor the historical practice of the composition and processes of the selection committee, that he reverse his action of appointing the committee chair, and that he comply with the practice of having the committee select its own chair.
Be it further affirmed that this resolution is in no way a reflection on the merits of the person appointed chair by the president; rather that it is strictly an expression of concern about the abandonment of an established practice at Sonoma State University.