Resolution on Layoffs
Whereas, An increased Student-Faculty Ratio since 1969, Proposition 13, and the lower student enrollments than budgeted for have created budgetary difficulties in the CSUC system, and
Whereas, Cutbacks in the spring will further exacerbate the spiraling effect of the current situation by shrinking programs and thus discouraging more students from attending, and
Whereas, Section 28.9 of the Budget Act provides that "unallocated funds may be reallocated to preclude layoffs" and in the past part-time/temporary faculty have not been retained and thus programs damaged in order to preclude layoffs, and
Whereas, It is the responsibility of the Chancellor's Office to maintain quality education in the CSUC; therefore be it
Resolved: That the Academic Senate of Sonoma State University request that the Trustees
(1) Declare that a layoff situation exists and that the Chancellor be directed, on the basis of paragraph 28.98 of the Budget Act, to request that the Department of Finance allocate all those funds that were originally budgeted for the CSUC in order to avert layoffs; and
(2) Direct the Chancellor's Office to make extensive efforts to urge that the Department of Finance and the Legislature revamp the current methods of financing the CSUC. To wit, funding should be program, not FTE based, and that funding be differentiated according to the level of instruction, make a report on their efforts to the Statewide Academic Senate; and be it further
Resolved: That the Sonoma State University representatives to the Statewide Academic Senate shall urge the adoption by that body of this or an equivalent resolution.