Resolution to Recognize and Commend First Responders and Campus Emergency Responders
Whereas, many in the Seawolf community experienced the unprecedented devastation of the October 2017 fires firsthand, including Sonoma State students, faculty, staff, and administrators who lost family members or their homes in the fires; and
Whereas, the members of the Academic Senate of Sonoma State University welcome the opportunity to recognize those brave and tireless individuals who contributed skills, knowledge, time, and energy to the campus and community; and
Whereas, First Responders from numerous agencies and jurisdictions, including over 10,000 firefighters from around the nation and abroad, personnel from sister CSU Campuses, and countless volunteers worked to ensure the safety of our students, employees, and community; and
Whereas, the SSU management team and other trained campus personnel, including our police and student Community Service Advisors, worked in shifts around the clock to safeguard the campus community through the Emergency Operations Center in spite of the challenges they faced in their personal lives:
Be it resolved that we, the members of the Academic Senate of Sonoma State University, join to recognize and commend the service so generously contributed during the disaster by the First Responders, EOC members, and all those who aided in keeping the campus community safe during the natural disaster.