Resolved: That the Academic Senate of Sonoma State University applaud SSU students, administration, police, and faculty for the restraint, respect and discipline demonstrated during on-campus protests in Fall 2011; and be it further
Resolved: That the Academic Senate affirm the importance of protest as a form of protected political speech and as a critical means by which all people express their individual and collective voices in the public arena; and be it further
Resolved: That the Academic Senate recognize the special status of public universities as institutions holding an exceptional civic responsibility to protect the free and unfettered exercise of the right to freedom of speech in all its forms; and be it further
Resolved: That the Academic Senate therefore maintain that democratic principles and the essence of the academic endeavor itself require that the free and open expression of ideas be supported even when particular interests may be threatened; and be it further
Resolved: That the Academic Senate therefore condemn the use of excessive force by campus authorities at UC Davis and UC Berkeley during November 2011 campus protests, and be it further
Resolved: That the Academic Senate endorse the Associated Students Resolution in “Support of Peaceful Protesting on University Campuses” of December 6, 2011; and be it finally
Resolved: That the Academic Senate join with the Associated Students in urging the University community at large to continue its peaceful and cooperative approach to campus demonstrations and protests.