Resolved: The Academic Senate of Sonoma State University (ASSSU) endorses and supports the commitments articulated in the resolutions regarding Early Start Programs passed by the Academic Senate of the CSU (cf. AS-2895-09/APEP/AA: “Opposition to Impending Implementation Mandatory Early Start Programs” and AS-2926-09/AA/APEP “Recommendations Regarding the Implementation of Mandatory Early Start Programs”); and be it further
Resolved: That the ASSSU endorses the resolutions passed both by CSU Los Angeles (2 March 2010) and by Cal Poly SLO (4 May 2010); and be it further
Resolved: That the ASSSU supports the efforts of its Math and English faculty to plan an intentional and pedagogically sound program that meets the Chancellor’s mandate and that is reconciled with the aforementioned Resolutions; and be it further
Resolved: That the ASSSU opposes any judgment by any non-faculty implementation board as to the sufficiency of the SSU plan relative to other Early Start models; and be it further
Resolved: That the ASSSU distribute this resolution to the CSU Board of Trustees; the Office of the Chancellor; the Chair of the Academic Senate of the CSU; campus Presidents, Provosts, and Senate Chairs; the Chair of the English Council of the CSU; and the Chair of the Mathematics Council of the CSU.