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Preparing Minutes

Guidelines for Preparing Minutes for Faculty Governance Committees

  1. Please prepare your minutes in Word and do them as soon after the meeting as possible.
  2. Please use the file naming convention: EPC Minutes 02_10_2021.docx – the acronym of the committee followed by “Minutes” followed by the full date separated by underlines.
  3. Record the name of the committee, the date, time and place of the meeting, who was present and absent.
  4. Record any decisions made by the committee and record who is responsible for following through on any decisions.
  5. Record who took the minutes.
  6. Record anything else the committee would like reflected in the minutes. Note that according to Robert’s Rules, only motions and decisions need be recorded in the minutes.
  7. Minutes should only be printed if absolutely necessary. Always cc a copy to the Senate office. Agendas and Minutes are archived on Scholarworks

Here is a template to use for your convenience - Meeting Minutes Template for Faculty Governance Committees