Whereas, due to the state budget catastrophe, Sonoma State University is expecting large cuts to the instructional portion of its budget; and
Whereas, although funds from the campus, such as monies that have been held in reserve, are now being directed to the problem, the campus budget for instruction for the next two academic years, at least, is in danger of underfunding; and
Whereas, an increase in enrollment, to which the University is already committed, increases the need for classroom instructors; and
Whereas, a significant proportion of presently employed lecturer faculty may suffer underemployment or loss of employment because of budget reductions and allocations in this crisis, thereby decreasing the instructional faculty of the University; and
Whereas a decrease in lecturer faculty will effect the quality of education here by depriving students of instructors experienced with the University’s curricula and familiar with its student body and by burdening retained faculty with larger class sections than would otherwise be the case; and
Whereas the Sonoma State University Community Solidarity Fund provides an account within the University Foundation for contributions to the salaries of lecturer faculty in the academic years 2003-2004 and 2004-2005, to supplement money allocated to the instructional portion of the campus budget from other sources;
Be it resolved that the Academic Senate endorses the Sonoma State University Community Solidarity Fund and the campaign for donations to it; and
Be it further resolved that the Academic Senate will distribute this resolution and the Provost’s documentation for the Fund to the Deans and department Chairs.