General Education Subcommittee


  1. Develop and modify the General Education curriculum of the University in accordance with Title V and applicable Executive Orders after consultation with the School G. E. committees;
  2. Coordinate the curriculum of G.E. courses through consultation with faculty engaged in teaching G.E. courses;
  3. Develop and analyze procedures for evaluation of G.E. program in consultation with School G.E. committees;
  4. Design policies in consultation with Admissions office staff concerning the evaluation of G.E. equivalencies and substitutions in the transcripts of transfer students;
  5. Update and simplify G.E. catalog copy;
  6. Report in writing all decisions pertaining to the G.E. program to the Educational Policies Committee. The Chair of the G.E. Subcommittee shall make periodic oral reports to the EPC and send minutes of subcommittee meetings to the Chair of EPC and;
  7. Submit recommendations for proposals for significant changes in the G.E. curriculum, i.e., changes in the total number of units, the distribution of units among the Schools and Departments, or involving unresolved disputes between departments, to the EPC for consideration and action. Other changes agreed upon by the G.E. subcommittee and the G.E. committees of the School (s) involved may be decided by subcommittee, subject to challenge by the EPC or the Academic Senate.