Dispute Resolution Board (DRB)
The Dispute Resolution Board adjudicates grade appeals, student grievances and cheating and plagiarism cases. The formal policies governing grade appeals, student grievances and cheating and plagiarism can be found under Resources for Faculty.
DEADLINES for submitting appeals to the Board and Meeting Dates of the Board to Consider Disputes - all grade appeals, student grievances and cheating/plagiarism charges should be filed with the Senate Analyst via email senate@sonoma.edu.
Time limits for filing appeals can be found on the Cover Sheets and below.
Questions about these forms, the Dispute Resolution Board or filing an appeal may be directed via email to the Academic Senate Analyst or the Chair of the Dispute Resolution Board.
Resources for Students
Please note that you MUST meet with your Instructor, Department Chair and School Dean for the informal process of a grade appeal or student grievance. See the policies below. If there are complications encountered in the informal process, contact the Academic Senate office email for assistance. If your case is informally resolved after you have filed formally with the Dispute Resolution Board, contact the Senate office immediately.
Infographic about plagiarism - online| pdf download
Writing an Appeal for the Board
Use this document to help you write your appeal.
Resources for Faculty
Cover Sheet for Cheating or Plagiarism Charges
Use this cover sheet when filing a formal charge of cheating or plagiarism
Faculty Attempt Form for Cheating and Plagiarism
Use this form with students for which you have evidence of cheating or plagiarism. Students have three options when presented with this form. Once this is signed, send it to the Student Conduct Officer, Ben Ellis. If a student refuses to sign, you may proceed with a formal charge of cheating or plagiarism.
Step by Step Guide on Cheating and Plagiarism for SSU Faculty
This document explains the process for reporting cheating and plagiarism.