Budget Information
In response to recommendations made in Spring 2014 by the Senate Budget Subcommittee, the Academic Senate will now maintain a permanent SSU budget documents page on its website. This page will be updated regularly with various campus budgeting documents that become available during the academic year. It is hoped that these documents will help support a more robust and detailed discussion of campus budgeting issues and longer term financial strategies in the Academic Senate, and will respond to faculty requests for more accessible and timely budget and financial information. The Senate Budget Subcommittee was subsumed into the Academic Planning, Assessment and Resources Committee (APARC). Any questions should be directed to APARC.
SSU Budget Presentation given 8/31/17 ppt download
Budget and Marginal Cost Formula Presentation to the Senate 12/1/16
President's Budget Advisory Council (PBAC) 9/12/13 handouts - discussion of these handouts will be found in the PBAC minutes when they are posted.
Campus Infrastructure Assessment Task Forces: Update 10/24/13 - this pdf document now contains a links to the report from the Instructional Technology Task force and a powepoint presentation about Urgent Maintenance and Repair. You may or may not see the link in the pdf, but if you hover over that task force name or right below it, and click, it will link.
Green Music Center University Affairs Committee - Updates and reports from this committee will be posted here as they become available. You may or may not see the link in the pdf, but if you hover over 2012-2015 GMC Expenditure Plan and click, it will link.
SSU Budget Primer - report given at the Senate on 11/21/13 by CFO Furukawa-Schlereth
Campus Debt Presentation - report given at the Senate by Ian Hannah and CFO Schlereth 2/20/14
SSU Foundation and Endowment Presentation - report given at the Senate by Ian Hannah 3/27/14
Senate Budget Subcommittee Report - given at the by Mark Perri and Alexis Boutin on 5/8/14
Senate Budget Subcommittee Report - given by Mark Perri and Alexis Boutin on 5/14/15