Temporary Suspension of Student Conduct Conferences and Hearings Pending Revision to the Notice of Conference

Resolution on the Temporary Suspension of Student Conduct Conferences and Hearings Pending Revision to the Notice of Conference

WHEREAS, the current Student Conduct Notice of Conference contains contradictory, inaccurate, and incomplete content and threatens harsh potential sanctions that impact the fairness and effectiveness of the student conduct process;

WHEREAS, feedback from students summoned to Student Conduct Conferences and faculty serving as advisors (to the accused) have highlighted concerns about the content, clarity, and tone of the Notice of Conference and raised questions about the timely, equitable, and transparent handling of student conduct matters;

WHEREAS, the proper administration of student conduct conferences and hearings is crucial to maintaining the integrity of the student conduct system and upholding the rights of all parties involved;

WHEREAS, a thorough review and revision of the Notice of Conference is necessary to address these concerns and ensure that student conduct processes align with best practices and support SSU’s core values of diversity and social justice;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Academic Senate calls for a temporary suspension of all student conduct conferences and hearings relating to violations of the Interim Time, Place, and Manner Policy until such time as the Notice of Conference – along with relevant SSU webpages and documents - have been thoroughly reviewed, revised, and updated to address the identified issues;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Academic Senate recommends that representatives from students, faculty, and staff participate in the revision and review processes to ensure that the updated Notice of Conference addresses the concerns raised above while meeting the requirements of the new Time, Place & Manner policy and Executive Order 1098 as well as the needs of all stakeholders;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT during the suspension period, interim measures should be put in place to address urgent or emergency situations, ensuring that the rights and due process of students are protected;

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED THAT the Academic Senate will review the progress of the Notice of Conference and provide updates to the campus community to ensure transparency and maintain trust in the student conduct process.

Approved by the Senate