Whereas, the Administration of Sonoma State University has identified a prospective FY 1994-95 General Fund deficit of $1.23 million and critical identified but unbudgeted needs of $980 thousand; and
Whereas, the continuing California recession has resulted in a three-year reduction in expenditures for Sonoma State University of approximately twenty-five percent; and
Whereas, the Associated Students of Sonoma State University voted to increase the Instructionally Related Activities (IRA) Fee from $25 to $100 dollars per semester in order to support the Inter-Collegiate Athletic Program and other University programs through IRA funds rather than the General Fund; and
Whereas, the Committee on Campus Priorities (the Vice-President's Budget Advisory Committee (VPBAC) temporarily expanded) voted unanimously on 24 May 1994 to reject a budget solution which would have imposed an across-the-board reduction of ten percent and instead called for a redirection of campus priorities which would address the existing shortfall and provide a basis for sound financial planning in the future; and
Whereas, this plan for "University Reengineering" calls for restructuring on both Student Affairs and Administration and Finance along lines recommended by the consulting firms of Pappas and of KPMG Peat Marwick;
Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate of Sonoma State University endorses, supports and applauds the decision of the Associated Students and the recommendation of the Committee on Campus Priorities that Inter-Collegiate Athletics at Sonoma State University be supported from Instructionally Related Activities Fee; and
Be It Further Resolved, that the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate of Sonoma State University endorses, supports and urges the President to proceed with the implementation of the recommendations of the Committee on Campus Priorities calling for a "reengineering" of both Student Affairs and Administration and Finance and for testing the feasibility of a variety of support activities becoming entrepreneurial activities; and
Be It Further Resolved, that the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate of Sonoma State University nominate members for an advisory group to make specific recommendations for preparation of the design and implementation plan; and
Be It Further Resolved, that the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate of Sonoma State University urge the Vice-President's Committee, in consultation with pertinent Faculty bodies, to develop proposals for addressing the over $3.7 million in critical unmeet needs within Academic Affairs through a combination of redirection of the monies saved through the implementation of the proposals already recommended and through an examination of the prospects for redesigning Academic Affairs; and
Be It Further Resolved, that the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate of Sonoma State University expresses its appreciation to Dr. Donald Farish, Vice-President for Academic Affairs, and Dr. Larry Furukawa-Schlereth, Vice-President for Administration and Finance, for their demonstrated leadership in addressing the financial crisis at Sonoma State University through the University Reengineering proposal.