Whereas, Proposition 55, the Kindergarten-University Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2004, provides $12.3 billion in bonds to relieve overcrowding, reduce class size and repair and upgrade California’s elementary, middle and high schools, community colleges and universities; and
Whereas, the 2004 Statewide School Bond measure is the second half of a two-part statewide education bond package to repair, upgrade and build new school facilities, and the first half of which, Proposition 47, was overwhelmingly approved by California voters in 2002, and passage of the second half of the package is equally important to improve student achievement and better prepare students for the modern workforce; and
Whereas, California schools and colleges are severely overcrowded, with more than 700,000 new students expected to seek enrollment at a California college or university by 2010; and
Whereas, the California Postsecondary Education Commission estimates the state will need to spend approximately $1.5 billion per year through 2010 to maintain existing higher education facilities and to provide for expected enrollment increases, Proposition 55 will provide $1.15 billion a year for higher education for two years, including $920 million for Community Colleges, $690 million for the California State University, and $690 million for the University of California; and
Whereas, Sonoma State University received $26 million from the passage of Proposition 47 to renovate Darwin Hall and will receive an additional $3 million from Proposition 55 for scientific equipment that will complete the renovation project; and
Whereas, Prop. 55 will allow our public colleges and universities to make seismic and other safety improvements to older buildings as well as build new labs, classrooms and research facilities; and
Whereas, Prop. 55 will give students more access to the technology and computers they need to meet academic standards and compete in the modern workforce; and
Whereas, the 2004 Statewide School Bond provides a much needed boost to our state’s economy, and putting Californians to work building a better learning environment for our children is a wise investment in these difficult economic times; and
Whereas, the 2004 Statewide School Bond funds must be spent on school construction, not on overhead, and projects must comply with strict accountability requirements, including mandatory audits, to safeguard against waste and mismanagement,
Therefore be it resolved, that the Academic Senate of Sonoma State University supports Proposition 55 - the Kindergarten-University Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2004.