Whereas Sonoma State University is obligated, as a California State University (CSU) that receives federal funding, to continue to meet federal affirmative action guidelines;
And whereas the 2007 California State Audit of the California State University’s hiring processes and employment discrimination lawsuits identified a failure to meet adequate standards of equity and diversity;
And whereas the Affirmative Action Strategic Plan, developed by SSU local CFA Affirmative Action Committee and approved by the SSU local CFA Executive Board on 3/12/08, requires the Committee to organize a workshop in the spring semester 2008 that addresses “issues of equity, diversity, and affirmative action at SSU”;
Resolved: That the Academic Senate of Sonoma State University endorse the following resolution from the SSU local CFA Executive Board:
Be it resolved that the SSU local CFA Executive Board support the SSU Local CFA Affirmative Action Committee in funding a workshop addressing equity, diversity, and affirmative action to the tune of $250.00. The event will take place on May 2nd 2008, from noon to 2 PM;
Be it further resolved that the workshop be entitled Building Awareness and Developing Affirmative Action Practices that Facilitate Diversity in SSU’s Hiring, RTP, and Curriculum Development;
Be it further resolved that the SSU local CFA Executive Board send a letter to all SSU Academic Departments requesting them to send a representative to the workshop, RSVP to Karen Laurie, CFA Office.
And be it further resolved that the Academic Senate of Sonoma State University affirm to co-sponsor the aforesaid workshop.