Resolved: The Executive Committee joins with the Academic Senate itself in strongly urging the University Administration and the Sonoma State Enterprises Board to join with the Senate to create a process to consider all pertinent issues including not only economic impacts on students and on the campus but also considerations relating to the educational and cultural mission of the University; And be it further
Resolved: In accordance with the Academic Senate resolution passed on May 25, 2006, the Executive Committee of the Senate Charges a Commission to study and report on the shift in SSU bookstore operations.
Charge of the Commission:
- To study and report on the advisability of shifting bookstore operations to a national chain or corporation.
- To study the feasibility of including locally-owned bookstores in the bid process.
- To review the literature and correspondence from other campuses (particularly CSU campuses) that have contemplated such a shift.
- To hold at least one open forum meeting during fall semester to solicit ideas and information from campus and community members.
Most importantly, to come to a fuller understanding of, and report on, what is meant by "the good of the student" when it comes to providing textbooks.
Selection of Commission members: Members shall include:
- Three at-large faculty representatives and one faculty representative from the Executive Committee, recommended by Structures and Functions, and appointed by the Executive Committee. Ideally, faculty members with expertise in environmentalism, sustainability, business, and local economies should be appointed.
- A recommendation for staff representation (1-2 members) will be solicited from the Academic Senate Staff Representative.
- A recommendation for student representation (1-2 members) will be solicited from the Associated Students.
- A recommendation for Sonoma State Enterprises representation (1-2 members) will be solicited from that entity.
Duration of charge: The Commission shall report its findings and recommendations to the Academic Senate no later than the second meeting of spring 2007.
The commision may want to consider the following questions: Might not a university model an enlightened, twenty-first century approach to sustainable consumption? What are the best practices universities employ in balancing these issues against issues of textbook price and availability? How do bookstore practices relate to and align with the University andAcademic Affairs mission statements with reference to cultural and regional influence and leadership?