Resolution for Reporting Actions taken Pursuant to SSU Layoff Policy
Whereas, We now face a serious threat of layoff of part-time and temporary, probationary, and tenured faculty; and
Whereas, This situation is of grave concern to all faculty, and will have a significant impact on the academic programs of most of our departments; and
Whereas, It is crucial that participative planning and a climate of courage and trust shall continue to exist on this campus; and
Whereas, Full and free circulation of all relevant information has been a long-standing tradition on this campus and it vital to the continuance of participative planning, trust and courage; therefore be it
Resolved, that the Layoff Committee, the Council of Division Chairs, and the President continue to provide for the Senate, in a timely fashion, all relevant data used in the making of layoff decisions, together with justifications for criteria, planning premises, and decisions made; and be it further
Resolved, that the Action Vice President shall report to the Senate at its second meeting in the fall semester, 1979, the actions taken pursuant to the Sonoma State University Layoff Policy; and be it further
Resolved, that the actions taken under authority of the memorandum from the Acting Vice President dates May 2, 1979, and approved by Division Chairs on May 1, 1979, together with criteria used in negotiating the transfers and justifications therefore; and be it further
Resolved, that the said report shall also contain names of faculty appointed under paragraphs 4, 5, and 6 of above memorandum.