WHEREAS, Professor Kathleen E. Kaiser has been an honored faculty colleague for the last 32 years at California State University, Chico and has been recognized for her outstanding teaching and advising, successful grant writing and scholarly activities, and her remarkable record of service to students and faculty; and
WHEREAS, Professor Kaiser has long been dedicated to the principles of shared governance and academic excellence as reflected in her fifteen years of service to the CSU, Chico Academic Senate and her twelve years of service on the Academic Senate, CSU, and
WHEREAS, Professor Kaiser has served in significant Systemwide leadership positions and developed a broad knowledge of California’s system of higher education through her participation on the Executive Committee of the ASCSU, the GE Breadth Committee, on which she served as chair, the Academic Affairs Committee, on which she served as vice chair, and the Intersegmental Committee of Academic Senates where she worked with colleagues from the University of California and the California Community Colleges in developing intersegmental transfer and articulation programs in the state, and
WHEREAS, Professor Kaiser has been a leader in the state and a champion for course articulation and transfer between the CSU and all other segments of higher education in California so that the principle of seamless transfer, as envisioned by the Master Plan for Higher Education, can be brought to fruition; and,
WHEREAS, Professor Kaiser has had an extended commitment to service learning and distance education not only as reflected by her participation on statewide and international programs, the Technology Task Force, and the Information Competency Task Force, but also as the director of hundreds of internships at CSU, Chico that place students at sites located throughout California and the United States as well as a writer, leader and evaluator of many community-based grants and outreach activities; and,
WHEREAS, Professor Kaiser has demonstrated time and again that she is a dedicated and trustworthy colleague who has the ability to articulate and represent the faculty’s perspective in shared governance but recognizes, understands and values the necessity to work collegially and constructively with other bodies who have also been entrusted to carry out the Master Plan for Higher Education; and
WHEREAS, Professor Kaiser in her first year of service as Faculty Trustee visited 14 campuses, attended 9 graduations, was the first trustee to accompany the CSU Maritime Academy’s T.S. Golden Bear on cruise, including presiding at the 'at-sea' graduation, serves on four BOT committees and as a CPEC alternate, and was recognized by CSSA as the Outstanding Trustee of the Year in 2004; and,
WHEREAS, Faculty Trustee Kaiser has been an effective voice for students, faculty and staff on the Board of Trustees and has become a respected force on the board that should be continued for another term, therefore be it
RESOLVED: That the Academic Senate of Sonoma State University supports the re-nomination of Professor Kathleen E. Kaiser for the position of California State University Faculty Trustee.