Resolution Regarding Search for New Chancellor

Resolved: That the Executive Committee of the Sonoma State University (SSU) Academic Senate welcome both the appointment of the Faculty and Student Trustees to the Trustees Search Committee for a new chancellor, and the June 28, 2012 open meeting for members of the university community and public to provide input on the qualities desired in a new chancellor; and be it further

Resolved: That the Executive Committee of the SSU Academic Senate strongly urge the Board of Trustees to appoint an advisory committee with representation from all CSU constituencies (including but not limited to administration, faculty, staff, students and alumni) to provide advice throughout the search for a new chancellor; and be it further

Resolved: That the Executive Committee of the (SSU) Academic Senate strongly urge the Board of Trustees to conduct an open and transparent search to replace Chancellor Charles B. Reed, including opportunities for additional input from all constituencies on all campuses; and be it further

Resolved: That the Executive Committee strongly urge the finalists for the position of chancellor be publicly announced, and that public visits with the university community be scheduled; and be it further

Resolved: That this resolution be sent to the CSU Board of Trustees, the Chancellor, Campus Presidents, the Academic Senate CSU, Campus Academic Senates, the California State Student Association and the CSU Alumni Council.

Unanimously approved by the Senate