Resolved, that the Academic Senate of Sonoma State University thanks and congratulates all members of the Senate's Ad-Hoc Committee on Diversity for their excellent and faithful work to advance the Senate's and SSU's understanding of diversity concerns on our campus; and be it further
Resolved, that the Academic Senate of Sonoma State University especially thanks the co-chairs of the Ad-Hoc Committee, Professors Barbar Lesch-McCaffry and Elisa Velasquez-Andrade, for their excellent leadership of the Committee and their efforts "above and beyond the call;" and be it further
Resloved, that the Academic Senate of Sonoma State University will forward the completed Ad-Hoc Committee reports to the President's Diversity Council and will ask the Council to undertake analyses and assessments of the Ad-Hoc Committee's many recommendations, with the aim of enacting recommendations in a timely manner as is appropriate and possible and within the context of the Council's own work and agenda; and be it further
Resolved, that the Academic Senate of Sonoma State University further requests that the President's Diversity Council provide regular reports to the Academic Senate on the progress of such analyses and enactments.