Whereas President Ruben Armiñana has served as President of Sonoma State University since 1992, a period of 24 years during which the University has undergone tremendous change; and
Whereas President Armiñana is retiring from the presidency as of June 30, 2016, making this his final Academic Senate meeting; and
Whereas throughout his 24 years as President, Dr. Armiñana has consistently engaged with faculty governance through regular attendance at and participation in Academic Senate and Executive Committee meetings—a level of engagement that is far from universal among university presidents; and
Whereas Dr. Armiñana has consistently honored the faculty’s primary role in developing and maintaining the University’s curriculum; therefore be it
Resolved that the Academic Senate of Sonoma State University express its appreciation to President Ruben Armiñana for his years of service; and be it further
Resolved that the Academic Senate wishes President Armiñana and his wife Marne Olson many fine adventures in the next chapter of their lives.