Whereas, while past Chairs of the Faculty have most assuredly served during “most challenging years,” 1 “a challenging year,” 2 “unsettling . . . times,” 3 “difficult, trying, and even interesting times,” 4 “troubled times,” 5 and “a time of severe duress,” 6 Tim Wandling has, beyond a shadow of a doubt, served Sonoma State University faithfully and heartfully during one of the most challenging years Sonoma State University has ever faced or will ever face; and
Whereas he has displayed and modeled the exceptional ability to remain warm and genuine with all colleagues, partners, and constituents, whether agreeing with them, disagreeing, or even engaging in rhetorical fisticuffs; and
Whereas he has served most distinctively and exceptionally as an institutional researcher, bringing the passion of a Shelley, the lyricism of a Keats, and the revolutionary fervor of a Byron to the work of making sense of the SSU budget books; and
Whereas he has modeled the exemplary ability to fight for budget reallocations and richer shared governance while simultaneously discussing the merits of the latest episode of The Wire; and
Whereas, working in collaboration with Immediate Past Chair Elaine McDonald-Newman and others, he has tirelessly provided excellent mentorship to his colleagues and to the Chair-Elect in particular; and
Whereas he has held, sustained, nourished, and argued for a vision of higher education as a major force for good in the world, one that names and resists the arbitrary influences of “power, money, and prestige,” one that encourages “innovative, free thinking,” one that argues constantly for “educated hope”7; and
Whereas, a lifetime eight-plus-gallon blood donor, he has this year alone most assuredly donated well over eight gallons of the lifesblood of faculty stewardship: passion, energy, enthusiasm, commitment, and extraordinarily hard work for the benefit of the students, faculty, staff, and administration of Sonoma State University; therefore be it
Resolved, that the Academic Senate of Sonoma State University offer gratitude and congratulations summa cum laude to Tim Wandling on concluding an exceptional and highly successful year as Chair of the Faculty; and be it further
Resolved, that the Academic Senate of Sonoma State University wish for him a long-term future filled with further good works and a near-term future that includes a great deal of deep-REM sleep.
1. Resolution honoring the Estimable Service and Leadership of Dr. Elaine McDonald-Newman, Chair of the Faculty, 2006-2007. SSU Academic Senate. Passed 24 May 2007. http://www.sonoma.edu/Senate/Resolutions/resMcDonaldNewman.htm
2. Resolution Honoring Melanie Dreisbach, Chair of the Faculty, 2004-2005. SSU Academic Senate. Passed 26 May 2005. http://www.sonoma.edu/Senate/Resolutions/resDreisbach.html.
3. Resolution Honoring Catherine Nelson, Chair of the Faculty, 2003-2004. SSU Academic Senate. Passed 20 May 2004. http://www.sonoma.edu/Senate/resolutions/nelsonres.html.
4. Resolution Commending Noel Byrne, Chair of the Faculty, 2002-2003. SSU Academic Senate. Passed 22 May 2003. http://www.sonoma.edu/Senate/Resolutions/forByrne.html.
5. Resolution Commending Rick Luttmann, Chair of the Faculty 2001-2002. SSU Academic Senate. Passed 23 May 2002. http://www.sonoma.edu/senate/Resolutions/resforLuttmann.html.
6. Resolution Honoring Phil McGough for his service as Chair of the Faculty during the 2000-2001 academic year. SSU Academic Senate. Passed 30 August 2001. http://www.sonoma.edu/Senate/Resolutions/Resolution_for_McGough.html.
7. Quotations from Dr. Timothy Wandling, Chair of the Faculty, 2007-2008. “Convocation Remarks.” Delivered 22 August 2007.