Resolved: That the Sonoma State University Academic Senate oppose the proposed revision to the Board of Trustees Policy for the Selection of Presidents that would eliminate campus visits by the final slate of candidates for a campus presidency; and be it further
Resolved: That this resolution be sent to the Board of Trustees, the Chancellor, the Academic Senate CSU and all CSU Campus Senates.
The current Board of Trustees Policy for the Selection of Presidents provides for campus visits by the final slate of candidates for a campus presidency. While not a formal part of the evaluation process, the visit is designed to encourage candidate interest in the position through engaging in dialogue with the campus community. At their September meeting, the Board of Trustees will consider a revision to the selection policy that would eliminate the requirement for a campus visit.*
Eliminating campus visits would greatly diminish the role of the campus community in the presidential search process and make it virtually impossible for campus constituencies to provide meaningful feedback to members of the Advisory Committee to the Trustees Committee for Selection of the President. In the absence of a campus visit, and with reliance solely upon the input of the Advisory Committee, the depth and breadth of consultation provided for in the current policy disappears.
Campus presidents are presented with a wide variety of difficult challenges. The California State University should take advantage of any opportunity to allow potential presidents to meet all members of the campus community, develop an understanding of the challenges they may face, and build support in their respective communities. Arriving on campus without having the support and legitimacy provided by such a process would put the chosen candidate at a significant disadvantage in building a successful transition.
Current and new policy links no longer available. Current policy:
*The current policy can be viewed here
*The proposed policy can be viewed here