Resolution Honoring Professor John Wingard for his Service as Chair of the Faculty, Sonoma State University, 2010-2011

Whereas, Professor of Anthropology John D. Wingard stepped forward to lead the Sonoma State University faculty during a tumultuous year of declining state support, national political assaults on public employees, and a largely interim Sonoma State University administration; and

Whereas, he guided the Academic Senate through difficult decisions with good humor, commitment to the airing of all points of view, and a firm command of Sonoma State’s particular brand of Robert’s Rules of Order; and

Whereas, despite a history of acrimonious faculty–administration relationships, he worked tirelessly to build and maintain excellent working relationships with all campus constituencies, thereby building a significant foundation for future progress; and

Whereas, he has successfully worked for the establishment of the Academic Coordinating Team to institutionalize improved faculty–administration consultation within Academic Affairs; and

Whereas, the benefits of childhood experiences on a dairy farm in Pennsylvania were evident in his expert milking of resources, shepherding of proposals, and mucking of metaphorical manure; and

Whereas, his experience in the bureaucracy of the U.S. Government—analyzing the sociocultural effects of fisheries regulation—proved invaluable in navigating the byzantine intricacies of the California State University administration; and

Whereas, an understanding of the complex culture that comprises the University community was informed by his anthropological (if not archaeological) expertise, perhaps including his scholarly work on community struggle against corporate power; and

Whereas, beginning with his address at University Convocation in August 2010, he has highlighted the forces at work in opposition to public higher education in this country, and spoken eloquently of the powerful mission which we serve and which we must re-energize if a vision of a vibrant, equitable, democratic society is to advance;

Therefore be it

Resolved: that the Academic Senate of Sonoma State University offers hearty appreciation to John Wingard for his outstanding service as Faculty Chair for 2010-2011; and be it further

Resolved: that the members of the Academic Senate wish for him a most relaxing summer and an energizing chance to once again think about teaching and scholarly pursuits, and look forward to his continuing engagement in the important issues of the day.

Approved by acclamation