Whereas Elaine McDonald-Newman demonstrated a universally admired combination of steely resolve and intelligent cheer as she guided the Senate through one of the most challenging years in its history; and
Whereas she has redefined the word straightforward, issuing clarion calls of passionate yet reasoned alerts to portentous events, early in the year establishing that her voice would respond quickly and clearly to assert the primacy of our academic mission and the importance of shared governance; and
Whereas she provided endless support and mentoring to others in faculty leadership, and established strong relations and effective communication between committee leaders and the Senate office; and
Whereas she exemplified tireless dedication to collegial governance, providing the entire faculty with key information, and representing them courageously and thoughtfully in all her doings with a thoroughness, preparation and perseverance that inspire us all; and
Whereas she has beyond a doubt kept her promise to “push limits and defy expectations” with her outstanding leadership; and
Whereas Elaine McDonald-Newman proved what we all already knew: that no mountain would prove unclimbable to this experienced and fearless leader who leaps bureaucratic hurdles gracefully and rappels expertly into the uncharted depths of the perpetual “next crisis.” In short, she rocks; therefore be it
Resolved that the Academic Senate and faculty of Sonoma State express their deep admiration for and great appreciation of her service and outstanding leadership as Faculty Chair during this most tumultuous year.