WHEREAS Catherine Nelson, with her signature charm and fine-tuned intellect, helped bridge the divide that has separated administration and faculty and fostered a climate of respect in the proceedings of the Academic Senate and Strategic Planning Committee; and
WHEREAS Petite, but mighty, she powerfully fought for faculty rights and shared governance during her ongoing repartee with Provost Ochoa; and
WHEREAS She leaves her stomp on the floors of academe with the passion of a fiery Flamenco feminist, fortified by a seemingly endless flow of red-waxed Baby Bels; and
WHEREAS Her wit and wisdom are cherished by members of the Academic Senate, whom she impressed immeasurably with her command of Robert’s Rules of Order; therefore, be it
RESOLVED That the Academic Senate and the faculty of Sonoma State University express their utmost appreciation for her sterling leadership in unsettling budgetary times and for her unwavering ideals that mark her tenure as Chair of the Faculty of Sonoma State University.