Resolution endorsing a “YES” vote on the Ratification Vote on Changes to the ASCSU Constitution

Resolution endorsing a “YES” vote on the Ratification Vote on Changes to the ASCSU Constitution

Resolved: That the Sonoma State University Academic Senate (SSU-AS) affirm that the inclusion of dedicated seats for Lecturer Faculty at Sonoma State has provided an important voice for Lecturer Faculty on issues of general concern as well as issues specific to Lecturer Faculty; and be it further

Resolved: That the SSU-AS thank the Academic Senate California State University [ASCSU] for calling for a referendum on changes to the ASCSU constitution that would create three dedicated ASCSU seats for Lecturer Faculty; and be it further

Resolved: That the SSU-AS applaud the ASCSU's move to bring dedicated lecturer representation to its body; and be it further

Resolved: That the SSU-AS commend the ASCSU for enabling all Unit 3 employees [Coaches, Counselors, Librarians, Tenure Track and Temporary Instructional Faculty] to cast votes in the constitutional referendum adding dedicated Lecturer seats to the ASCSU; and be it further

Resolved: That the SSU-AS urge YES votes on the ratification vote; and be it finally

Resolved: That this resolution be distributed to:

  • Unit-3 faculty at Sonoma State
  • CSU Campus Senate Chairs
  • CFA Lecturers Council
  • CSU Board of Trustees
Unanimously approved by the Senate