Whereas, The 2008-2009 academic year will mark the 35th year of operation for the SSU Anthropological Studies Center (ASC);
Whereas, The ASC has spent over three decades providing direct and continuous support that is increasingly vital for both the SSU Anthropology undergraduate and the Cultural Resources Management MA programs;
Whereas, The ASC, at no cost to the General Fund, has built, furnished, and maintained a premier regional research facility on this campus with a collections facility, archives, and analytical laboratory that support a wide range of scholarly research, public education, and public outreach activity for professionals across northern California;
Whereas, The ASC’s ongoing research, education, and public outreach programs regularly increase and enhance the profile of Sonoma State University in our service area, our state, and at a national level;
Whereas, These long-standing accomplishments have been acknowledged by public acclamations from both the CSU Chancellor Charles Reed (2004) and the governor of the state of California (1999);
Be it resolved that:
The Academic Senate of Sonoma State University congratulates the Anthropological Studies Center on the occasion of its 35th year of providing one of the CSU system’s best examples of ‘real world’ service learning, and for championing the importance of student involvement in faculty-directed research.
And be it further resolved that:
The Academic Senate acknowledges and commends the very real financial, educational, and programmatic support the ASC has provided to Sonoma State academic programs over the course of its 35-year history.