Whereas the CSU Board of Trustees Policy on Layoff stated, "it shall be the policy of the CSU to provide stability of employment by foreseeing and avoiding unnecessary reductions in staff through short and long range personnel planning activities and to adjust appointment and retention policies as accurately as possible to meet anticipated program need" and;
Whereas FSA 78-78 (Vice Chancellor for Faculty and Staff Affairs to CSU Presidents) states that "it shall be the policy of the CSUC to protect the employment of tenured, permanent and probationary employees to the fullest possible extent consistent with the preservation of a balanced educational program" and;
Whereas the allocation of resources, particularly of teaching positions directly and profoundly affects the curriculum of the University as well as the employment of faculty and;
Whereas an analysis of the allocations over the past four years reflects an increasing utilizatin of part-time and temporary positions across a broad range of academic programs (in 26 of 38 programs n Fall 1981) in a context of layoff of tenured and probationary employees and;
Whereas administrators of the University have consistently reported that the planning figure for the 1982-83 allocations was 4000 FTES while thte Governor's budget currently assigns to Sonoma a budget figure of 4160 FTES;
Therefore be it -
Resolved that the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate, on behalf of and at the instruction of the faculty of Sonoma State University, demand
first, that the President adhere to the budgeted figure of 4160 in assigning allocations for the 1982-83 academic year;
second, that the President utilize the budgeted positions for department chairs fully for department chairs selected from among the faculty;
third, that the President review critically the utilization of part-time and temporary positions particularly in departments whose curriculum does not provide a prima facie case for the utilization of part-time and temporary positions, and
fourth, that the President adhere fully to both the spirit and the letter of the policies on layoff with particular regard to the commitment of the CSUC to provide stable employment for the permanent and probationary employees of the campuses.