Whereas, Sonoma State University enrollments have been increasing each semester to the extent that they exceed sometimes by several hundreds, the Full-Time Equivalent Student Base upon which the University is funded, and
Whereas, the Administration and Faculty Governance is formally committed to planned growth for the University, and over-budget FTES frustrates such planning, and
Whereas, the admission of FTES for which no budget is provided, is fiscally irresponsible unless exigencies or advantage for doing so can be demonstrated, and no such demonstration has been forthcoming from either the Administration or Faculty Governance, and
Whereas, university personnel, facilities, supplies, and equipment are, and have been, for several semesters, strained to the point of eroding the quality of life on campus, and thus the quality of education,
Therefore be it Resolved that the Academic Senate of Sonoma State University requests that the administration of Sonoma State University admit students to produce FTES enrollment at the University range of no more than +/ - 100 of the budgeted allocation for each academic year.