(AS/Fir/Dickemann, Harris, Poe, Silver)
Whereas the role of the department chairman is critical in the internal administration of departmental instructional and personnel matters, and in the external relations of the discipline with other campus units and with off-campus individuals and organizations; and
Whereas the projected SSU budget provides for academic administrative positions in support of such chairmanships (11.1 at 4000 FTE); and
Whereas the fiscal necessity for layoffs has no budgetary relation to the reorganization of our department structure; and
Whereas both the administration and the Academic Senate have previously expressed their commitment to the full allocation of the designated positions to such chairmen;
Now therefore be it
Resolved that the Academic Senate reaffirms its commitment to the full utilization of all available positions in support of the department chairmen; and be it further
Resolved that the Academic Senate call on the President likewise to reaffirm his commitment to the full utilization of this allocation for the support of department chairmen.