Resolved: that the Sonoma State Academic Senate reaffirm those principles outlined in the University policy on “non discrimination” (Policy #2003-1);
Resolved: that the Sonoma State Academic Senate urge the administration to immediately remove all advertisements from the United States military, due to its discriminatory policy against gays and lesbians, which may appear on the University web page or any other property of the University.
Resolved: that the Sonoma State University Academic Senate condemns the acceptance of money from the US Army for the basketball tournament and urges the administration to return the money and secure alternate funding and sponsorship.
Rationale: Sonoma State University has a clear policy on non-discrimination, which includes discrimination against sexual/gender preference. Paid advertisements by the Army or any other branch of the United State military are contrary to the University policy on non-discrimination given the military’s current policy prohibiting gays and lesbians from openly serving in the armed forces. Recent displays include Army advertising on the University website, which the President has ordered removed, and an Army poster in the University gym, still being displayed. Such advertisements are not required under the Solomon Amendment, and contradict the University’s stance on diversity and non-discrimination.
The Senate learned at it’s meeting of 10/25/07 that the campus had accepted $15,000 from the US Army to sponsor a basketball tournament.