Resolution on the Proposed Amendment to Title V, Layoff by Specialization within Class
Whereas, There is currently a proposal before the Trustees that Title V language be amended to read that layoff shall be based upon relative merit and competency as determined by the President in consultation with his or her university or college, and
Whereas, This proposal, if passed, could have the effect of removing all seniority and tenure rights from California State University and College employees - -academic, academic-related, and non-academic, and
Whereas, The institution of academic tenure exists in the most prestigious institutions of higher education for the purpose of preserving academic freedom and is vital to the process of free inquiry and of intellectual development of faculty and students alike; therefore be it
Resolved: That the Executive Committee, acting for the Faculty of the California State College, Sonoma, urges the Board of Trustees to reject the proposal that layoff be based upon relative merit and relative competency as determined by the President in consultation with his or her university or college.