Resolution in Praise of Daniel Markwyn
Whereas, Daniel Markwyn has so ably led Sonoma State through the twenty-fifth year of its history and so wittily negotiated the University's transition from its Dark to at least its High Middle Age, AND
Whereas, Daniel Markwyn's no nipping" rule has set the tone for this new era in which senators finally have been able to concentrate on such academic and Arcadian concerns as long rang planning, professional development, the passage of the Resolution of Appreciation for Grounds and Building Staff, AND
Whereas, Daniel Markwyn, as Chair of the Senate, has guided its affairs with the firm but tolerant hand of the historian and gentleman scholar,
Resolved that the Sonoma State University Academic Senate wholeheartedly acknowledge and honor the service Daniel Markwyn has so unstintingly performed for Sonoma State University,
And be it further
Resolved that the Academic Senate extend to Daniel Markwyn its very best wishes for a future history as long as Gibbon's, as lively as Plutarch's, as flowery as Macauley's and as progressive as Hofstadter's.