RESOLVED: The Academic Senate of Sonoma State University (ASSSU) recognizes the value of encouraging students to proceed expeditiously toward completion of their baccalaureate degrees and has supported recommendations for advising of students to that objective; and be it further,
RESOLVED: That the ASSSU supports the individual aspirations and educational goals of students who choose to pursue multiple majors, minors, and multiple minors, or who choose to change majors during their time at the university; and be it further,
RESOLVED: That the ASSSU opposes the coined designation “Super Seniors,” as it does not have any defined status in the SSU Catalog; and be it further,
RESOLVED: That the ASSSU opposes the imposition of restrictions on student access to double majors, minors, or major changes; and be it further,
RESOLVED: That the ASSSU reaffirms its commitment to students that SSU faculty will provide curricular excellence, diversity, and accessibility for their needs and expectations; and be it further
RESOLVED: That the ASSSU urges the SSU President and Provost/Vice-President of Academic Affairs to explore other means to reduce FTES, rather than restricting curricular options for matriculated students
RESOLVED: That the ASSSU forward this resolution to the State Wide Academic Senate of the California University System.
RATIONALE: During the Summer of 2009, the CSU Chancellor sent to the campus a memorandum regarding “Super Seniors.” That memorandum has already begun to affect SSU students; Admissions and Records has sent notices to students who have exceeded 120 units informing them that they must graduate, and discussions have been initiated at faculty governance committees (including the Educational Policies Committee (EPC) regarding whether students who have more than 120 units are impacting other students’ access to class sections, and whether there should be a policy regarding double majors, minors, or major changes.