Whereas Academic Senators holding terms of more than one year can serve their constituencies and the Senate body better than those with one-year terms, because the longer terms allow representatives to learn, use and pass on to junior members knowledge gained from participation, and
Whereas a three-year period of service creates term length parity among Senators in lecturer seats, other faculty Senators and staff Senators,
Be it resolved that faculty filling the three lecturer faculty Senate seats be elected for three-year terms, beginning in the Fall, 2003, this change to be implemented through the following steps:
A. Of the three lecturer representatives-at-large elected in the Spring, 2003, the electee gaining the greatest number of votes will serve a three-year term; the electee gaining the next largest number of votes will serve a two-year term; the electee gaining the third largest number or votes will serve a one-year term.
B. In subsequent elections a vacated seat of a lecturer representative-at-large will be filled for a three-year term, thus creating a pattern of staggered three-year terms.
Passage of the proposed resolution on lecturer seat term length would require an amendment to the Constitution of the Faculty of Sonoma State University, section 3.3. The revised section would delete the material crossed-out below:
The representatives and At-Large members of the Senate shall be elected for three-year terms, except that Lecturer Senators shall serve terms of one year, with no restriction on relection. . .