Resolution on the Matter of Carmen Works
Whereas Dr. Carmen Works, Professor of Chemistry, has served a year-long term as Chair of the Faculty of Sonoma State University;
Whereas Dr. Works met a year full of extraordinary challenges, including but not limited to the wildfires of October 2017, with grace, strength, determination, and positivity during her term as Chair;
Whereas Dr. Works co-chaired the campus task force to write the University’s new Strategic Plan, which promises to provide vision and guidance to the entire campus as it moves forward;
Whereas Dr. Works led faculty efforts in connection with the Fall 2017 WASC reaccreditation visit, working collaboratively with students, staff, and administration towards a very successful accreditation;
Whereas Dr. Works’ finely-honed expertise in chemical reactions has served the Senate well in avoiding any undue explosions, despite not having a fume hood, during its meetings;
Whereas Dr. Works is an exemplary role model for the students of Sonoma State, from starting her academic career as a first-generation college student herself and becoming an amazing and inspiring Latina leader for all of our faculty;
Whereas Dr. Works is a voice for inclusivity in all forms and provides mentorship for students, faculty, and staff from all backgrounds;
Whereas Dr. Works has given the Senate gavel a thorough workout whenever possible; and
Whereas Dr. Works encouraged active learning, even including a think-pair-share exercise in her Convocation speech, asking attendees to contemplate the impending solar eclipse (despite its being shrouded by fog);
Now, therefore, be it
Resolved, that the Academic Senate of Sonoma State University express its highest regard to our friend, colleague, and generous leader for all of her contributions; and be it further
Resolved, that the members of the Academic Senate look forward to ongoing contributions from Dr. Carmen Works to the life of the University.