Resolution on Faculty Participation in Program Planning
Whereas, There is concern among the faculty that there by informed faculty input in the matter of cutback-induced program changes; and
Whereas, The President and the Vice President's Council will receive such input for consideration; and
Whereas, There already exists a group of faculty - Lou Mattson, Glenn Price, Bill Sherman, Tom Volk and Art Warmoth - which uniquely has detailed information regarding all academic programs via service on the 1978-79 Department Visitation Committee; and
Whereas, These faculty were duly elected by their constituencies and embrace all divisions as well as major policy making councils; and
Whereas, These individuals named above have expressed their willingness to serve the faculty in this matter; now therefore be it
Resolved: That those members named above of the 1978-79 Departmental Visitation Committee, who are presently serving as full-time instructional faculty, shall convene as a committee to recommend to the Vice President's Council how this university may best carry out its academic responsibilities despite shrinking fiscal resources; and be it further
Resolved: The the committee shall communicate a recommendation for 1980-81 together with its rationale to the Vice President's Council and the Academic Senate on April 24, 1980;* and be it further
Resolved: The the committee may submit a longer-range recommendation together with its rationale to the Vice President's Council and the Academic Senate on May 29, 1980.
*The Senate is scheduled to meet April 24, 1980. The Vice President's Council is required to make it recommendation for 1980-81 to the President on April 30, 1980.
(Further context - this resolution passed on a tie broken by the Chair Mary Arnold. She writes to President Diamandopoulos "The vote itself reflects, I believe, the ambivalent views of the faculty with regard to the impact of our participation on the final decisions and to the manner in which we can participate in the discussions. Disappointment continues to be expressed that the faculty is not part of the deliberations and planning occurring in the Vice President's Council")