Executive Committee Resolution concerning the Reorganization of the Division of Interdisciplinary Education
Whereas, Faculty Governance representation and RTP matters are handled on a divisional basis and,
Whereas, No faculty governance committee was involved in the reorganization of the Division of Interdisciplinary Education, therefore be it
Resolved: That the Executive Committee does not recognize the reorganization of the division and expects the division to continue in the manner in which it was constituted with regard to faculty representation to the Senate and its appropriate governing bodies, adopts recommendations for changes, and be it further
Resolved: That an Ad Hoc Committee of the Senate be charged to make a recommendation on the future status of this division my May 1, 1976
The Executive Committee also agreed that for the purposes of representation to the Vice President's Council, the departments of Education, Counseling, Mexican-American Studies, and the Native American program will be represented by the Division of Physical Education and Psychology. The department of Multi-Cultural Studies will be represented by the Division of Humanities.