Sense of the Senate Resolution on CSU Electronic Core Collection Funding
RESOLVED: That the Academic Senate of Sonoma State University endorses the Statewide Academic Senate’s resolution in support of centralized funding of an Electronic Core Collection (ECC) of library information resources for all CSU campuses, and be it further
RESOLVED: That the Academic Senate recognizes that centralized funding benefits every CSU campus but has become particularly valuable for campuses with smaller library budgets because the ECC provides direct access to general and disciplinary resources that would be difficult to fund and sustain locally; and be it further
RESOLVED: That the Academic Senate recognizes that centralized acquisitions of electronic resources allows the CSU system to leverage its purchasing power to negotiate costs that may be unachievable at the individual campus; and be it further
RESOLVED: That the Academic Senate strongly supports increasing base ECC funding: 1) to address resource cost increases and prevent a reduction in the number of ECC resources currently being offered, and 2) to allow expansion of the ECC so that all CSU students and faculty, regardless of campus affiliation, have access to a strong core of disciplinary and general resources to meet their scholarly needs; and be it further
RESOLVED: That the resolution be shared with the Chancellor; the Assistant Vice Chancellor; Academic Technology Services; the CSU Academic Affairs Council; the CSU Council of Library Directors (COLD); and the committees charged with oversight and management of the ECC (SDLC and EAR).