Resolution Concerning Parking Lot A Extension
Whereas, The present litigation brought against Lot A has shown that adequate studies of this project were not done (in compliance with CEQA), alternatives were not presented, and public notification procedures were not carried out such that those affected by the project knew of its imminent construction, and
Whereas, Construction of Lot A will discourage the use and development of alternative modes of transportation, which should be an enlightened goal of this campus, and
Whereas, Justification for the new parking at SSC has not been forthcoming during the planning for Lot A, and
Whereas, The completion of Lot A will approximately double the traffic crossing the pedestrian crosswalk used by Residence Hall students on their way to class, thereby encouraging the further construction of Redwood Circle behind the dorms (requested for the 1980-81 budget), and
Whereas, It has been shown that feasible alternatives to new lot construction do exist on campus and their use would suffice at SSC for several years (given our present slow growth rate), and lastly
Whereas, The north campus environment is thought by many to be educational, aesthetically pleasing and worthy of maximum protection, therefore be it
Resolved: That the Academic Senate requests the CSUC Chancellor's Office to use the time made available by the present lawsuit to study and implement alternatives to Lot A (see below) that will have less environmental impact, particularly on the north area of campus.
Some desirable alternatives would include: direct and timely bus service from major population centers to the campus core; greater facilitation of carpools, vanpools, bicycle use, and walking; and changes in the designation and fee requirements in existing lots.